There is always a sense of optimism that comes with a new year and, whilst we are firm believers that if you want to make significant changes in your life you should do so no matter what the date on the calendar, it is also true that the fresh start and clean slate of a new year is when people feel most ready to embrace change and start new habits.
There is a belief that if you can do something for 30 days straight you can successfully incorporate it into your behaviour and everyday life as a new “habit”.
With that in mind, we have come up with a few suggestions of ways you can “detox” you life and make changes to your day that will help you to enjoy a happy and healthy 2022.
Make 2022… The Year of Eating Healthier
After the richness and decadence of Christmas and New Year, sometimes we crave nothing more than a bit of health eating and more simple food. Eating healthier can be a positive change that you can implement into your life and what better time to start than the beginning of a new year. Cutting back on takeaways is a great start, and not only does it have health benefits, but it’s also pretty good on the bank balance too. Why not challenge yourself to one takeaway a month or one every other month. You’ll probably find that you don’t miss it and when you do come to having it again, it’s so much more enjoyable.
Remember, eating healthily doesn’t have to be boring! And eating healthily doesn’t mean cutting food groups out of your diet altogether. Treat yourself on occasion, just remember the cardinal rule - everything in moderation!Make 2022… The Year of YOU
One of our most toxic traits can be the inability to think about our own health and well being and putting others first. If you are someone who never has time for you, make a positive change this year and start taking time out to look after yourself and your mental health. Remember, putting yourself first once in a while isn’t selfish, it’s an integral way to ensure a healthy happy you. Make time to enjoy the things you enjoy doing and don’t forget, you are allowed to say no once in a while!
Make 2022… The Year of Doing
We’re all guilty of telling ourselves, “I’ll do it later” and then later comes and you’re filled with regret that you didn’t act sooner. Make 2022 the year of doing. Don’t put jobs, tackle problems head on and make the conscious decision to act in the present rather than bank on yourself reacting in the future. Lists are ideal as they give you the chance to prioritise your duties and give yourself deadlines - believe me, future you will thank you!
Make 2022… The Year of Being Outside
We spend far too much time on social media or staring at screens. Make 2022 the year you close the laptop and get outside in the fresh air. Whether that’s engaging in sport and exercise to make your body and mind happier and healthier, or enjoying a peaceful walk in your favourite places, or sight-seeing somewhere new. It’s miraculous the effect a bit of fresh air can have on your mood and outlook. January is one of those months where it’s easy to avoid the outside, but push yourself to get out more.
Make 2022... The Year of Trying Something New
It’s always good to broaden your horizons and we are all guilty of staying in our comfort zone a bit too much. Make 2022 the year of trying something new, visiting new places and enjoying new experiences. It can be as simple as ordering something completely different at a restaurant or booking yourself a little getaway to new horizons. Enjoying a new culture or engaging in a pursuit you wouldn’t usually opt for - try something new this year.